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All items fall into one of two categories: consumable or permanent.

Consumable Items

Consumable items can only be used a limited number of times. Examples include ammunition, potions and spell scrolls. Once used, consumable items must be resupplied via the resupply downtime activity before they can be used again.

Permanent Items

Permanent items have no limitation on how many times they can be used, and they don't need to be resupplied unless they are broken, destroyed or lost. Examples include most weapons, tools and gear.

Using armor to resist a consequence does not count as it being broken or destroyed.

Item Quality

  • All items have a quality rating.
  • Crafted items have a quality determined at the time of crafting.
  • For load items, unless otherwise mentioned, this is equal to your Tier.
  • fine items gain +1 quality.

Standard Items

  • Up to two light weapons: Light weapons are weapons that can be wielded with one hand. Examples include longsword, axe, dagger, rapier, pistol, hand crossbow, warhammer, and so on. [1 load each, permanent]
  • Heavy weapon: Heavy weapons are meant to be used with two hands. Examples include longbow, shortbow, greatsword, bo staff, polearm, heavy crossbow, rifle. [2 load, permanent]
  • Throwing weapons: Up to six light throwing daggers or shurikens. [1 load, consumable]
  • Armor: Leather or hide armor, with gloves and boots. [2 load, permanent]
  • Heavy Armor: Mail or plate armor, with gloves, boots and helm. [3 load, permanent]
  • Burglary gear: Gear to assit in breaking and entering, including crowbar, lockpicks and thin wire.[1 load, permanent]
  • Climbing gear: Gear to climb and scale, including rope, hook, crampons, pitons and chalk. [2 load, permanent]
  • Adventuring gear: Standard adventurering gear, including backpack, bedroll, flint, rations and waterskin. [1 load, permanent]
  • Documents: Maps, official papework and other such documents that can be acquired with relative ease. Alternatively, blank paper and ink that can be used to forge such documents. [1 load, consumable]
  • Alchemical supplies: Supplies that can be used in the concoction of alchemical substances. [1 load, consumable]
  • Subterfuge supplies: Mundane supplies that can be used to disguise and deceive, including make-up, costume jewelry and reversible clothes. [1 load, consumable]
  • Healing supplies: Bandages, needles, suture and other supplies used for non-magical healing. [1 load, permanent]
  • Up to two alchemical or magical items: A consumable magical item (spell scroll, potion, or magical ammunition; see Magical Items) or alchemical item (poison, oil, or bomb; see Alchemical Items). [1 load each, consumable]
  • Tinkering tools: Tools for detailed mechanical work. [1 load, permanent]
  • Torch: A magical torch that, once lit, continues to burn indefinitely. [1 load, permanent]

Magical Items

Spell Scrolls

See Spell Scrolls

Magical Ammunition

Magical ammunition consists of bullets, arrows, crossbow bolts or the like that has been enchanted to provide a magical effect. Unless otherwise noted, 1 load of magical ammunition contains 6 uses. Examples include:

  • Elemental ammunition: Ammunition that has been enchanted with an elemental effect (fire, cold, electricity or acid). Each load of elemental ammunition has the same elemental enchantment, which must be chosen at the time of purchase or creation.
  • Ghost-bane ammunition: Ammunition that can affect incorporeal creatures. However, due to the nature of the enchantment, the ammunition has less effect against corporeal creatures.
  • Silver ammunition: Ammunition that is specifically designed to be potent against undead creatures.
  • Phasing ammunition: Ammunition that can phase and teleport a short distance, allowing you to shoot through objects or people that may be providing cover to your target.
  • Deadeye ammunition: Ammunition that is enchanted to hit with deadly accuracy, providing you with +2 effect. 1 load of Deadeye ammunition only contains a single use.


Potions are magical liquids that can be imbibed to gain the listed effect. Examples include:

  • Healing potion (Tier 3): Make a check to recover from harm using a number of dice equal to the potion's Tier. You heal harm based on the result. 1-3: only level 1 harm is healed, 4-5: all harm moves down 1 step, 6: all harm moves down 2 steps, critical: heal all harm.
  • Resilience potion (Tier 3): Make a check to reduce stress using a number of dice equal to the potion's Tier. 1-3: Recover up to 3 stress, 4-5: Recover up to 5 stress, 6: Recover all your stress, critical: Recover all your stress and remove one level 1 harm.
  • Invisibility potion (Tier 2): Makes the creature who drinks it invisible for a few minutes.
  • Amphibious potion (Tier 1): Allows creatures to breath in water and in air for a few hours.
  • Darksight potion (Tier 1): Allows creatures to see and operate as well in complete darkness as in bright light for a few hours.

Alchemical Items


Poisons are substances that impart deliterious effects when injected, injested or inhaled. Exmaples include:

  • Paralysis Poison: Injecting a target with this poison causes them to become immobile, though they continue to breath and think normally.
  • Fear toxin: Upon inhaling this toxin a creature beings to hallucinate that they're being accosted by their worst nightmares, causing them to do nothing by cower. In more extreme cases, the creature can panic and become violent towards anything and everything around them.


Oils are generally applied to items to imbue them with certain properties. Unless otherwise mentioned, each oil lasts for a few hours. Examples include:

  • Elemental Oil (Tier 1): Elemental oils can be applied to melee weapons to temporarily grant them an elemental effect (fire, cold, electricity or acid). The specific effect granted by the oil must be chosen at the time of purchase or creation.
  • Discorporating Oil (Tier 1): Any part of a melee weapon this oil is applied to temporarily becomes incorporeal, gaining it potency against incorporeal creatures, but resulting in less effect against corporeal creatures.
  • Silvered Oil (Tier 1): Coating a melee weapon in this oil temporarily grants it potency against undead creatures.


Bombs most often come in specially designed bottles that break on impact, causing the substances within mix to create the desired effect in a small area surrounding the point of impact.

  • Elemental bomb: Elemental bombs explode in a splash of their particular elemental effect (fire, cold, electricity or acid).
  • Smoke bomb: Upon breaking, Smoke bombs fill their surrounding area with an obscuring smoke.
  • Glue bomb: Creatures caught in the blast of a Glue bomb can find themselves covered in an adhesive substance that can make it difficult to move.

Technological Items

Technological items are purely mechanical contraptions, generally with specialized uses. Examples include:

  • Grapple launcher: A device that throw a rope and hook at the press of a button.