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At character creation, you pick one of the special abilities listed below which represents your character's journey in life up until now. When you get a playbook advancement, you can pick the Experienced special abiity to choose an additional special ability from the list below.

Why does your character have the chosen special ability? Is it ancestral? Is it a result of where and how you grew up? Is it something you picked up on the road?

Experience Special Abilities


You get +1d to influence others when being loud.

Elemental Resistance

Choose one type of elemental effect (fire, cold, electricity or acid). You reduce harm from effects of that type.


You get +1d when rolling resistance with Resolve.

Honeyed Words

You get +1d when trying to convince someone of your point of view.


You get +1d when attempting to balance or sneak.


+1 effect when observing a target or object.


You get +1d when rolling resistance with Insight.


You get +1d when taking aggressive actions from a Desperate position.

Cutting Corners

When crafting, you may take -1 quality for You get +1d.

Intimidating Visage

You get +1d when trying to intimidate others.

Stand And Fight

Expend special armor to reduce any physical harm.

Destructive Affinity

You get +1d when attempting to destroy objects.


You get +1d to lie, deceive or trick others.


You get +1d when investigating or researching.

Natural Antidote

Reduce harm caused by poisons and similar concoctions.


Expend special armor to reduce any mental harm.


You get +1d when rolling resistance with Prowess.


After you make a roll, but before the roll is judged, you can choose to spend 3 stress to reroll one die.


See and operate as well in complete darkness as in bright light.

Jack Of All Trades

Take 2 stress to roll your best action rating while performing a different action. Say how you adapt your skill to this use.


Your load limits are higher. Light: 5. Normal: 7. Heavy: 8.


You can Tinker or Finesse to treat wounds or stabilize the dying.