After a quest, the PCs take stock of their income from the operation. A successful quest generates both rep and coin.
The party earns 2 rep per quest by default. If the target of the quest is higher Tier than you, take +1 rep per Tier higher. If the target of the quest is lower Tier, you get -1 rep per Tier lower (minimum zero).
If your party is Tier I and you pull off a successful quest against a Tier III target, you earn 4 rep (2 rep, +2 rep for a target two tiers above you). If your party is Tier III and you complete a quest against a Tier I target, you earn 0 rep (2 rep, -2 rep for the lower Tier target).
Mark the rep on the rep tracker on the party sheet.
The party earns coin based on the nature of the operation and/or any loot they found:
- 2 coin: A minor job; several full purses.
- 4 coin: A small job; a strongbox.
- 6 coin: A standard quest; decent loot.
- 8 coin: A big quest; serious loot.
- 10+ coin: A major quest; impressive loot.
Record the coin on the party sheet, or divvy it up among the party members as you see fit.