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In Over Hills, Under Trees, you achieve goals by taking actions and facing consequences. But how many actions does it take to achieve a particular goal? That depends on the effect level of your actions. The GM judges the effect level using the profiles below. Which one best matches the action at hand­­—great, standard, or limited? Each effect level indicates the questions that should be answered for that effect, as well as how many segments to tick if you’re using a progress clock.

GreatYou achieve more than usual. How does the extra effort manifest? What additional benefit do you enjoy?3
StandardYou achieve what we’d expect as “normal” with this action. Is that enough, or is there more left to do?2
LimitedYou achieve a partial or weak effect. How is your impact diminished? What effort remains to achieve your goal?1

Assessing Factors

To assess effect level, first start with your gut feeling, given this situation. Then, if needed, assess three factors that may modify the effect level: potency, scale, and quality. If the PC has an advantage in a given factor, consider a higher effect level. If they have a disadvantage, consider a reduced effect level.


The potency factor considers particular weaknesses, taking extra time or a bigger risk, or the influence of arcane powers. An infiltrator is more potent if all the lights are extinguished and they move about in the dark.


Quality represents the effectiveness of tools, weapons, or other resources, usually summarized by Tier. Fine items count as +1 bonus in quality, stacking with Tier.


Scale represents the number of opponents, size of an area covered, scope of influence, etc. Larger scale can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on the situation. In battle, more people are better. When infiltrating, more people are a hindrance.

When considering factors, effect level might be reduced below limited, resulting in zero effect—or increased beyond great, resulting in an extreme effect.

If a PC special ability gives “+1 effect,” it comes into play after the GM has assessed the effect level. For example, if you ended up with zero effect, the +1 effect bonus from your Guardian ability would bump them up to limited effect.

Also, remember that a PC can push themselves (take 2 stress) to get +1 effect on their action.

Every factor won’t always apply to every situation. You don’t have to do an exact accounting every time, either. Use the factors to help you make a stronger judgment call—don’t feel beholden to them.

Trading Position for Effect

After factors are considered and the GM has announced the effect level, a player might want to trade position for effect, or vice versa. For instance, if they’re going to make a risky roll with standard effect (the most common scenario, generally), they might instead want to push their luck and make a desperate roll but with great effect.

This kind of trade-off isn’t included in the effect factors because it’s not an element the GM should assess when setting the effect level. Once the level is set, though, you can always offer the trade-off to the player if it makes sense in the situation.


When a PC suffers an effect from an enemy or a dangerous situation, it’s called a consequence. Consequences are the companion to effects. PCs have effect on the world around them and they suffer consequences in return from the risks they face.