Spies, Infiltrators, Saboteurs
Party Sheet PDFXP Triggers
- Execute a successful espionage, sabotage, infiltration or theft operation.
Starting Upgrades
- Training: Insight
- Training: Prowess
Special Abilities
Light Fingers
Each PC may add +1 action rating to Prowl, Finesse, or Tinker (up to a max rating of 3).
When you use a stealth or deception plan to carry out a heist or infiltration, take +1d to the engagement roll.
This ability applies when the goal is to steal something or infiltrate. It doesn't apply to other operations that happen to involve stealing or infiltration.
No Traces
When you keep an operation quiet or make it look like an accident, you get half the rep value of the target (round up) instead of zero. When you end downtime with zero notoriety, take +1 rep.
There are many clients who value quiet operations. This ability rewards you for keeping a low-profile.
Just Passing Through
During downtime, take -1 notoriety. When your notoriety is 4 or less, you get +1d to deceive people when you pass yourselves off as ordinary citizens.
Your party has an internal code, allowing you to pass secret messages amongst each other without any unwanted parties understanding what you're saying.
This internal code can be written and/or spoken. You can teach this code to others at your discretion.
- Meira, an adventurer
- Dismus, a thief
- Purka, a collector
- Yasro, a soldier
- Cornaith, a beggar
Party Upgrades
- Skulkers Rigging: 2 free load of tools or documents.
- Something Extra: You get +2 coin in payoff for quests that involve infiltration or theft. -Covert Spies: You gain a group of covert spies, granting your party a +1d to gather information or acquire an asset relating to an upcoming operation, or gather provisions. This costs two upgrades to unlock, not just one.
- Adaptable: Each PC gets +1 stress box. This costs three upgrades to unlock, not just one.
Quest Ideas
- A local lord wants to test the defenses in and around his manor and has challenged you to break in and "steal" a family heirloom.
- A well-respected scholar wants you retrieve some contraband books that were confiscated by the city guards.
- A dragon offers approaches you with the offer of riches in exchange of assassinating his older sister.
- A royal advisor wants you to secretly return a stolen artifact to its rightful place without her political rivals finding out.