Through scholarly pursuits, backed by some innate talents, you strive to understand magic in all its forms.
Character Sheet PDFXP Trigger
- You addressed a challenge with magic or intellect.
Starting Actions
- 2 dots in Study
- 1 dot in Attune
Special Abilities
Fireball (S)
You can push yourself to unleash a torrent of flames that momentarily engulfs an area.
Tier | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Area Engulfed | A single person | A closet | A small room | A large room | Several rooms | A small building | A large building |
Teleport (S)
You can push yourself to teleport yourself and additional creatures equal to the spell's Tier.
Tier | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Teleport Distance | A dozen paces | A stone's throw | Down the road | Several blocks away | Across a district | Across the city | Across the continent |
When crafting spell scrolls, after determining the quality you can split it to create multiple scrolls.
For example, if you get a quality of 3, you can create one Tier 3 scroll, or one Tier 2 and one Tier 1 scroll, or three Tier 1 scrolls.
Simulacrum (S)
You can push yourself to temporarily conjure a complex and believable illusion.
Tier | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Complexity | purely visual; stationary | visual & sound; stationary | visual & sound; moveable | - | visual, sound & scent; moveable | - | visual, sound, scent & feel; moveable |
Size | A single person | A closet | A small room | A large room | Several rooms | A small building | A large building |
Duration | A few moments | A minute | A few minutes | An hour | A few hours | A day | Several days |
Flight (S)
You can push yourself to grant yourself and additional creatures equal to the spell's Tier the ability to defy gravity.
Tier | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Duration | A few moments | A minute | A few minutes | An hour | A few hours | A day | Several days |
Transmute (S)
You can push yourself to change the physical form of an object or area.
Tier | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Object Size or Area | A single person | A closet | A small room | A large room | Several rooms | A small building | A large building |
For example, you could turn stone into dust.
When casting a spell that has one or more effects that depend on its Tier, you can spend 1 stress to lower its Tier for one effect to increase the Tier of another effect or increase potency.
For example, when casting Fireball you can choose to lower the Tier of its Area Engulfed to increase potency, or when casting Simulacrum you can choose to lower the Tier of its Size to increase Complexity or Duration, and so on.
Friends & Rivals
- Kulma, a scholar
- Trehd, an artist
- Fles, a soothsayer
- Bluth, an illusionist
- Driston, a cultist
Arcanist Items
- Fine writing implements: A quill, some ink and a few pages of parchment that can be used to inscribe a spell (see crafting), forge official documents, and so on. [1 load, consumable]
- Arcane armor: Magical armor that can be conjured up at a moment's notice. Can be used to resist consequences that would lead to magical or physical harm. [0 load, permanent]
- Fine spell scroll: A scroll that can be used once per quest to cast any spell. The Tier of the spell is equal to your Tier + 1. [1 load, permanent]
- Arcane focus: A staff, wand, book or other item that lets you focus the magic around you into spells. Your arcane focus allows you to use Study to perform magic and cast spells. [0 load, permanent]
- Resilience potion [0 load, consumable]