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You rejoice in the process of creation and discovery, in putting together disparate components in unique ways to make something that does exactly what you need it to.

Character Sheet PDF

XP Trigger

  • You addressed a challenge with technical skill or mayhem.

Starting Actions

  • 2 dots in Tinker
  • 1 dot in Finesse

Special Abilities


When you invent or craft a creation with alchemical features, you get +1 result level to your roll (a 1-3 becomes a 4/5, etc.). You begin with one special formula already known.


When you invent or craft a creation with magic features, you get +1 result level to your roll (a 1-3 becomes a 4/5, etc.). You begin with one special design already known.


Due to your careful planning, during downtime, you may give yourself or another party member +1 downtime activity.


When you Wreck, your work is much quieter than it should be and the damage is very well-hidden from casual inspection.

Quick Patch

You can push yourself to do one of the following: temporarily repair a damaged device or constructtemporarily upgrade an item giving it +1 quality.

Repairs to devices or constructs returns them to normal functionality for a few hours. This ability can be used to repair expended armor, though not expended heavy or special armor. Once repaired or upgraded, the same item cannot be reparied or upgraded again until the start of the next downtime phase.


During downtime, you get two ticks to distribute among any long term project clocks that involve investigation or learning a new formula or design plan.


When you resupply during downtime you get +1 result.

Friends & Rivals

  • Lin, a metalurgist
  • Erlathan, a junker
  • Chana, a street urchin
  • Besan, a merchant
  • Ange, a private investigator

Mechanist Items

  • Prototype item: An item of your own creation that can be used to replicate the function of two standard permanent items. [0 load, permanent]
  • Bandolier: A bandolier that holds up to four consumable magical or alchemical items. The items in your bandolier recover automatically when your bandolier resupplies. [1 load, consumable]
    • Normally, consumable items resupply when someone in your party uses the resupply downtime activity.
  • Fine tinkering tools: [1 load, permanent]
  • Fine wrecking tools: [2 load, permanent]
  • Gadgets: You may craft gadgets during downtime. [1+ load, varies]
    • Track the load for each gadget deployed during a quest. Each gadget may be permanent or consumable, usually determined at the time of creation.